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While Verne is out getting the captive food, the other kidnappers have sex in the living room on the floor. Rick Clay and Verne Mitchel end up kidnapping the stud and having their way with him and Tim blows three times in a row (with Rick Reyes, the first Latino man to be cast in a gay film of this nature)! There is extensive footage of Tim shaking his cock and balls, alternating long shots with close-ups. New videos added every day Various categories: Stepmom, Mom, Milf, Lesbian, Mature, Wife. Tim strips and gyrates his lean body in a bar, drenching himself with sweat as he dances in skin-tight trunks, and then nude. Large Porn Films is a free porn site featuring a lot of free tube videos. Handsome and blond Clay Grant, star of The Dreamer, is featured as a scraggly, yet handsome, UCLA senior who falls for Tim's smooth body and lithe demeanor. This vintage gay porn Hand-in-Hand release stars twin Tim Christy as the sexiest go-go stud in Hollywood, where the pros and cons of the business are explored through sex and numerous orgasms.

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